Tip Tuesday – Plastic silverware

I figured I will try to put at a quick tip on Tuesday so here is the first one.

This one originally came from my mother-in-law ‘M’.  During the last few years my father-in-law had to eat with plastic silverware due to shaking, etc caused by Parkinson’s Disease.  I never realized that plastic silverware could be washed in the dishwasher – did you know that??

So, I had a few plastic forks and spoons so I washed them in our dishwasher (in the silverware area) and they stayed in the compartment and came out clean.

These plastic forks and spoons were used by us (that is another tip for the future), but when we have a party I will buy new ones.

Do you wash, recycle or throw out all plastic silverware after one use?

Later – Heather