Sewing Clothes and YouTube videos

So, how much searching have you done on YouTube when it comes to sewing clothes?

I decided I wanted to make a maxi skirt as my first test of sewing with knit material.  So, I did a Google search and found a YouTube video by DIYmeesha that shows how to make one in 5 minutes.  (The only problem I saw is she did not show the skirt on her afterwards.  I may find another video to compare before I cut out my skirt.)

Well, from there I found she did a video on how to turn a pair of (too big) jeans into a pencil skirt.   

Wow, I had never thought of doing that, but boy that would be pretty easy.  So, I guess the next time I go to a church rummage sale, etc I will look at the ‘too big’ jeans more closely.

So, next time I want to find a new sewing project or need help in a step I will search YouTube, etc.

Do you have any favorite sewing YouTube videos that I should check out?

Later – H

Rummage Sale shopping

Before we left on vacation (you probably didn’t know I was gone since I scheduled some posts – maybe I should do a better job at that) we hit a local church Rummage Sale for a couple of specific items:  our goal was a few more dinner/side plates and one or two desk type lamps for the daughter.

Note to self:  When you have a specific list you definitely get out faster and you can make sure you can carry everything to the car without a problem.

We got the two desk lamps for $12.00 total (one even came with a shade) and five dinner/side plates for $1.50.

bargain, rummage sale

This metal lamp even came with its shade.  This lamp was $7.00 and works great.

bargain, rummage sale

The teal lamp was  $5.00 and works great, but didn’t come with a shade.  Since we what a lot of light (down and up) we picked out this shade which I think was $14.00.

So, what bargains have you found recently?

Later – H

Garage sale season!

Well, you wouldn’t know that earlier this week it was snowing by today’s weather (about 70 degrees F).  One of the local churches had their Spring (smaller) Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday morning (their big one will be at the end of Summer).  We went Saturday morning and everything that could fit in a bag cost $1.00.

We ended up buying three bags ($3.00) and we got about 60 items which works out to about $0.05 each item and a can of nails equals one item!  We got some clothes, books, household/garage items, four like new belts (I thought buying one at the thrift store for $0.50 was a good deal, but this was way better), craft items, and a new bright yellow baseball for Pepper (Golden Retriever puppy), etc.

Pepper first wasn’t sure about the ball since I think it smelt like someone else.  But after I gave it a good washing she has been carrying it around the house and dropping it with a ‘thunk’ tonight.  We will have to see if she will chase/retrieve it in the backyard tomorrow.

So, we will have to see what other deals we find this summer.

What deals have you found lately? – H

Rummage sale #2

The local Catholic church held their giant ‘Mall Sale’ starting today – it was crowded!  So far we have bought: a set of four stoneware dishes (cups, small plates, large plates) serving bowl and a platter, six bowls and a plastic cheese box grater (for use in a dorm with roommates), two loose tea holders (for a craft project), a rack for keeping a roast up in a pan (before I used a cooling rack) and a wire paper organizer all for $12.50.  Depending up on what comes up we might go back tomorrow.

Bargains found today

Great morning for deals.  a) Got a ‘free’ movie from the Red box machine since I had found a free code online.  b) Went to the Methodist Rummage sale and spent $13.70 total on: a bar stool with back for the garage (looks decent, but will be a future painting project), new certificate frame, three pairs of jeans that fit, 12 jam canning jars, a new long fork which will work for roasting marshmallows when we go camping, decorative metal hook, ‘material’ (former pants) that was handmade in Indonesia (for a future project) and other miscellaneous items.  I will post before/after photos when the projects are finished.