New to me author

I was challenged to find read a new to me author whose last name started with an ‘N’.

So, I found this book Sweet Tea and Secrets by Nancy Naigle at the local library.  The library marked it as a Romance, which I usually don’t read, but I really enjoyed this book.  Since I liked it so much I picked up the next book in the series from the library.


Have you read this book?

I now challenge you to read a book by a new to you author whose last name starts with ‘N’.  What book will you choose?

Later – Heather

Authors you would recommend?

So, when I originally thought of this post it was going to tell you a book I didn’t like.  It was so bad (in my opinion) that I stopped reading it after the first chapter.  That alone shows that I am changing since when I was young I would read a complete book, even if I didn’t like it, with the hopes that it got better.  Now I have too much I want and have to do so I stopped reading this one and it is already in the give away pile.  And, no I won’t give the author or title since I know other people like the author.  I found this book and others by the same author at a garage sale recently.

I will say that I do like Joanne Fluke and I recently finished Devil’s Food Cake Murder (Hannah Swensen Mystery).  And if the name sounds familiar it is because the Hallmark Channel has started turning these books into movies.  I like the movies too.

I won’t give any secrets away about Devil’s Food Cake Murder , but I will say that there were a few slow parts, but it doesn’t help that I usually only read a little fiction before going to bed.

What fiction (cozy mysteries, etc) authors / book titles would you recommend?

Later – Heather

Giveaway: Build a Budget that Works by Jessi Fearon

So, you all know that I try to be thrifty by doing DIY projects, making food from scratch, using coupons, find deals at the Thrift Stores and finding the best deals on the new items or services we need to buy.  Well, another way is by keeping your family on a budget (and one that works is even better).

Jessi Fearon sent me a copy of the Build a Budget that Works  book to review as part of her book launch.

I am glad I got it since it reminded me of categories that I sometimes forget to budget for (like recently needing tires for our truck [which I found a sale on] and now it sounds like we will need them for the car also this year – ouch,  definitely not something I planned for, but I will be looking for a deal on those also).

I will continue to tweak our budget using the tips in Jessi’s book.

So,  would you like to win a FREE copy of the Build a Budget that Works book?  I was given one copy to give away to a reader.

Between now and Thursday 20 November 2014 make a comment (which will be delayed in posting since I have to approve them) with your name and email address.  After that I will pick a winner using a Random Number Generator (hey, I have to use something nerdy).

Good luck!   – H

Daffodil Hill, CA and another cool book

In March we went away for an extended weekend in Northern California.  Our first stop was Daffodil Hill, CA (near Sutter Creek, CA) – it happened to be opening weekend.

daffodil, vacation

Daffodil Hill, CA


It is free to go to Daffodil Hill, but they do have donation boxes out.  We walked around for a while taking photos (along with lots of other people) and then enjoyed lunch across the street (a service organization was serving it) before heading on our way.



Now about another cool (photo) book.

The Most Beautiful Villages and Towns of California     by Joan Tapper  (2007)

The husband picked up the above book at the library.  Considering we have lived our entire lives in or near Northern California I didn’t think I would really look at this book.  But, when I saw the cover and realized I didn’t know what town it was (turns out it was Sutter Creek, CA which is near Daffodil Hill) I figured I would at least flip through the book.

The book talked about many small towns in California .  It was amazing to realize that we had been through (or investigated) many of the towns (at least the ones near the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Northern California).

What new photo books have you checked out lately?

Later – H

Cool ‘Photo’ Book

Do you ever want to get a book and just look at the photos?  Well, the husband picked this book up from the library and we both really enjoyed it.

Earth from Space (Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum) by Andrew K. Johnston

Some of the photos are AMAZING!  It is a little scary to realize everything that can see seen from a satellite.

If you get a chance to look at this book let me know what you thought of it.

Later – H

First perk from having a blog

If you don’t know it I made no money from this blog.  I know – shocking 🙂

I do it since it is fun and I hope useful to someone.  That being said I am getting my first perk from having it – Free books to review!

Have you ever heard of  Bloggers (with over 30 followers) get free books for agreeing to do a review.

The first book I requested is

It’s A God Thing: When Miracles Happen to Everyday People

I had heard about this book from K-Love and was hoping it would (someday) be available at the library.  When I was just accepted by and was able to see the current list of books available I jumped at the chance of reading (and reviewing) this book. It has been requested and now I am waiting for the physical book to arrive ( said it takes usually takes 6-10 days to arrive).

So, look for my book review after I have finished reading it.  Oh, and I guess I need to figure out how to add the badge to my blog.  That will be one of the next things I need to learn.

Later – H

Book Review – The Lazy Couponer

I picked up The Lazy Couponer by Jamie Chase from the library.  I have been using coupons for years, but I figured I might learn something new.

I have picked up a few tips so far and I haven’t finished the book yet.  But, I have been slow at reading it so it is due back at the library.  I will be checking it out again so I can go over (and finish) it again.

She has a lot of really good hints about how you can stack a store coupon (and shows examples of how to tell if it is a store or manufacturer coupon – something I couldn’t always tell) and manufacturer coupon for the same product.

I added this book to the following page:

Places to print coupons and Books related to coupons

What books have you read lately and would recommend?

Later – H

Elm Creek Quilts book series by Jennifer Chiaverini

Do you like nice books with good story lines and/or quilting?  Well, I stumbled upon ‘The Giving Quilt’ and a book of Project Linus quilt patterns (both at the library) and am now hooked on the series by Jennifer Chiaverini.

The last book I finished was The Aloha Quilt.

    (Photo from

I liked this book the best so far and already plan on rereading it (once I have finished the rest in the series).  I loved the story, the setting (Maui) and a friend had just given me an unused Hawaiian Quilt patttern (named Anthurium).

Anthurium, Hawaiian, quilt


After reading the book I had to open the pattern and it is how they described as in the book – fold the material multiple times and then cut out 1/8th of the pattern (which goes through all layers of the material).


I have a big mental list of sewing (and other) projects for 2014, but after reading The Aloha Quilt the Hawaiian Pillow has come towards the top of the pile.

Which book series are you reading and would recommend?

Later – H